英語中,表達「連用」的概念,不像中文有那麼多直接的語法結構或詞彙。 我們必須根據不同的語境和想表達的含義,選擇合適的詞彙和句型。 這篇文章將深入探討英語中表達連續、同時或連帶關係的各種方法,並舉例說明,讓各位讀者能更靈活運用。
首先,最常見的表達「連續」的方式是使用連續性動詞,例如:continue, keep, last, go on 等。這些動詞通常與表示時間長度的詞組或片語搭配使用,例如 for hours, all day, throughout the week 等。

The rain continued for three days. (雨連續下了三天。)
He kept working until midnight. (他持續工作到午夜。)
The meeting lasted for two hours. (會議持續了兩個小時。)
The party went on until dawn. (派對持續到天亮。)
除了連續性動詞,我們也可以使用副詞或片語來強調連續性,例如:continuously, constantly, without interruption, one after another 等。
The machine ran continuously for 24 hours. (機器持續運轉了24小時。)
He constantly complained about the noise. (他持續不斷地抱怨噪音。)
They worked without interruption to finish the project. (他們不間斷地工作以完成專案。)
Cars passed by one after another. (車輛一輛接一輛地駛過。)
其次,表達「同時」進行的動作,可以使用現在分詞 (-ing) 或過去分詞 (-ed) 等分詞結構,或者使用 while, as, during 等連接詞。
Singing a song, she walked down the street. (她邊唱歌邊走在街上。)
Surrounded by friends, he felt happy. (被朋友包圍著,他感到很快樂。)
While I was cooking dinner, the phone rang. (我正在煮晚餐時,電話響了。)
As she was speaking, he interrupted her. (她說話時,他打斷了她。)
During the storm, we stayed inside. (暴風雨期間,我們待在屋內。)
此外,表達「連帶」或「伴隨」關係,可以使用 with, along with, together with 等介系詞。
He went to the party with his friends. (他和朋友們一起去參加派對。)
She brought her laptop along with her books. (她帶了她的筆電和書。)
The package arrived together with the invoice. (包裹和發票一起送達。)
除了上述方法,我們也可以使用一些表達特定連續或同時動作的片語,例如:in a row, back to back, side by side, hand in hand 等,這些片語更能展現動作發生的方式和情境。
They won three games in a row. (他們連續贏了三場比賽。)
The meetings were held back to back. (會議一個接一個地舉行。)
They walked side by side down the beach. (他們肩並肩地沿著海灘走。)
They held hands hand in hand as they walked. (他們手牽手地走著。)
總而言之,英語中表達「連用」的概念並沒有一個單一的對應詞彙或結構,需要根據語境選擇合適的詞彙和句型。 熟練掌握各種表達方式,才能更精確地表達想法,並寫出更流暢自然的英語文章。 希望以上說明能幫助各位讀者更好地理解並運用這些表達方式。 多練習,多閱讀,才能提升英語能力,進而更準確地掌握各種英語表達技巧。 最後,鼓勵大家積極嘗試不同的表達方式,並在實際應用中不斷精進。