
1. Hemorrhoids – 這是最常用的單詞來指代痔瘡,它們是直腸或肛門周圍的靜脈腫脹和擴張。
2. Internal hemorrhoid – 內部痔瘡位於直腸內部,通常不會引起疼痛,但可能會導致出血和不適感。
3. External hemorrhoid – 外部痔瘡位於肛門外緣,可能引起疼痛、灼熱感和不適感。
4. Thrombosed hemorrhoid – 如果痔瘡中的血液凝固形成血栓,就會發生這種情況,這可能導致劇烈的疼痛。
5. Prolapsed hemorrhoid – 當痔瘡從肛門口突出時,就稱爲痔瘡脫垂,這可能需要手術治療。
6. Anal fissure – 肛裂是指肛門開口附近的皮膚撕裂,它會導致嚴重的疼痛和流血。
7. Ligation – 這是一種通過將橡皮筋綁在痔瘡根部來切斷其血液供應的手術療法。
8. Sclerotherapy – 這是一種通過注射硬化劑來封閉痔瘡血管並減少出血的方法。
9. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy – 這種手術使用釘書機樣裝置將痔瘡固定在正常位置以減輕症狀。
10. Infrared coagulation (IRC) – 一種利用紅外線能量破壞痔瘡血管的治療方法。
**Q: What are the common symptoms of hemorrhoids?
A:** The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids include bleeding during bowel movements, itching or irritation around the anus, pain and discomfort, especially when sitting down for long periods of time. These can be caused by both internal and external hemorrhoids depending on their location within the body.
**Q: How can I prevent getting hemorrhoids in the first place?
A:** Prevention is key! Here are some tips to help avoid developing hemorrhoids:
- Eat a high-fiber diet to keep stools soft and easy to pass.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated which will also help with digestion.
- Exercise regularly as sedentary lifestyles have been linked to increased risk factors associated with hemorrhoids development such as constipation or obesity.
- Avoid excessive strain during bowel movements take deep breaths instead of bearing down hard which puts pressure on veins leading back up into your rectum area causing them dilate over time if done consistently enough without proper prevention measures taken beforehand like those listed above under “prevention” section itself too!