
1. I’m sorry to hear that – 聽到不好的消息時,可以用這句話表示同情或遺憾。例如:”I’m sorry to hear about your illness, I hope you get well soon.”
2. It’s a pity that – 用來描述某事未能按照預期發生,或者某種機會被錯失時的感受。例如:”It’s a pity we didn’t have enough time for our project presentation.”
3. If only – 用於表達一種假設情況,如果事情不是這樣發展就好了。例如:”If only I had studied harder for the exam, I wouldn’t be in this situation now.”
4. What a shame – 當某件事讓人失望或不愉快時,可以使用這句感嘆句。例如:”What a shame they canceled the concert at the last minute!”
5. My condolences – 在他人遭遇損失或悲傷事件時,這是一種禮貌而正式的表達方式。例如:”My condolences on the passing of your father. Please accept my deepest sympathies.”
6. That’s too bad – 這是一種較爲隨意的說法,通常用於非正式場合。例如:”You didn’t make it to the team? That’s too bad. Keep trying next year.”
7. Better luck next time – 用於安慰那些沒有成功的人,鼓勵他們在未來嘗試。例如:”Don’t worry about not getting the job this time around. Better luck next time!”
8. It could have been worse – 雖然事情不如人意,但也有可能更糟,用這句話可以提供一種積極的視角看待現狀。例如:”We lost the game, but at least nobody got hurt. It could have been worse.”
9. No hard feelings – 如果因爲自己的原因讓別人不高興或有困擾,可以說這句話以減輕對方的情緒。例如:”I apologize if I offended you earlier. No hard feelings, okay?”
10. Regrettably – 作爲副詞,這個詞可以放在句子開頭,以強調說話者對於無法改變的事情感到非常抱歉。例如:”Regrettably, we will not be able to attend your wedding due to prior commitments.”
- 語氣: 確保你的語氣是真誠和同情的,而不是冷漠或嘲笑。
- 情境: 根據不同的社交場合選擇合適的語言形式,比如在商務環境中應保持專業性。
- 文化差異: 不同文化背景的人們可能會對某些表達有不同的理解,所以要考慮聽衆的文化習慣。
- 避免過度使用: 頻繁地說“sorry”或類似的表達可能會顯得不真誠,或者給對方造成不必要的壓力。